Wednesday 5 September 2007

ITC Site Forums Go Live!

Well it's all go at ITC Towers - and today brings the launch of our all-new delegates forums

When you register as a delegate you'll be given a log-in and password for the forums - where you can bitch, lie, cheat, slander and generally cause mayhem

Or not

Instead, to avoid the wrath of our in-house moderator - an evil and merciless beast at the best of times - it might be better to use it for the powers of good: discussing new music, chatting about plans for ITC and generally having a good old natter.

Plus this year we've a thread purely for arranging meetings over ITC itself - all password protected for delegates-only, so don't worry about your boss finding out you're chatting up a rival label...

But remember - we'll know

Blackmail: SUCH an ugly word isn't it?


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